Just Own It!

How happy are you that it's February?   Are you finding that you are powering through the year or are you feeling a little stuck? 

Empowering yourself to take real control of your life is so liberating.  It’s incredibly powerful to make a decision about something that has been on your mind for a while and address it head on, aka owning it!

Most experiences in life that inspire us to learn, grow, and thrive are challenging and scary. Often when we’re presented with an exciting or unfamiliar opportunity, we go into protection mode and defend ourselves against fear by rationalising our limitations: “I’m not really the kind of person who does X.” But this kind of compartmentalization only leads to frustration and dissatisfaction.

You intrinsically know when changes in your life need to be made.  Recognise where those changes need to be made and go for it.  Instead of questioning yourself, judging, and listening to the pesky inner critic, realise your incredible potential and give yourself the permission to unapologetically start taking action.  Kapow!  

Really focus pulling together your bigger strategy.  Once you’ve got your game plan figured out and you’ll know how you’re going to strategically tackle the issue, task or big goal you’ve set yourself. 

As you gain momentum by taking action every day towards those changes that you've decided to make, you will begin to feel like it is a much easier transition.  You’ll notice your stress levels come down, the overwhelm will subside, and you’ll start to gain clarity.

If you’re struggling, take some time out to visualise your desired outcome.  You can try associating your new goal with your song du jour and  just go for it!  Put your fear aside, put that tune on as loud as you can and get in the zone.  

If you need some support click on the link and join us in the Fiercely Ambitious Entrepreneurs Facebook Group and be cheered on by other incredible likeminded women. 

Life is way to short to not truly follow your passions.  Live your life with conviction and purpose, and just own it!

Much love 

Sarah xxx

p.s If you enjoyed this article please share the love with your friends.

What Would You Do If You Weren't Afraid?

Hi Gorgeous,

How is your week going so far? 

Before we get stuck into today’s topic I just wanted to say a heartfelt thank you.  Thank you for your support, thank you for being you, and thank you for taking a few minutes of your precious day for connecting with me and reading my blog.  

Today I wanted to pop into your world and talk to you how together we can raise the profile of women in the world.  I’ve been thinking about this topic a lot of late.  In the UK it was 100 years ago that the 1918 Representation of the People Act was pasted by an overwhelming majority in the House of Commons.  It was an important milestone as it gave women of property over the age of 30 the right to vote.  This was a major success. 

We still have a huge way to go to make this a world of equality but it is really down to us to make the changes happen.   It’s a topic that I am fanatically passionate about because for WAY too long we women have held ourselves back.  We lower our own expectations of what we can achieve.

I take my role of helping women build their dreams in this complex world of ours very seriously.  I truly believe that every single one of us deserves to live an incredible life, full of abundance, happiness and joy for the world.

Let’s motivate and encourage each other, and foster a world where we care deeply for one another, where we care about the abundant opportunities that are available to each and everyone of us.

Personal motivation is an incredibly complex thing, molded by our internal fears but also strongly influenced by the parenting we receive, the peer group that surrounds us as we grow, the opportunities we seek and the connections we make.  

Click on the link and join us in the Fiercely Ambitious Entrepreneurs Facebook Group and surround yourself by other incredible likeminded women. 

Explore and find out what you are really capable of!

Much love

Sarah xxx

p.s If you've enjoyed this blog please share the love with your friends

5 Tips To Becoming More Confident

Hi Gorgeous,

Happy Friday! I hope you've had the most fantastic week.

You may have thought to yourself on a number of occasions when you are shaking in your boots waiting to find a small gap in the conversation so you can raise your point… “Why can’t I just be more confident?”. Well, you can learn to become more confident by implementing some simple smalls steps. Here are my 5 tips to becoming more confident:

1. Think of confidence as a journey

Every small step that you take in the right direction will build upon your confidence. The result - watch your success rapidly accelerate.  

Babies are not born with confidence, but their confidence grows as they practice and develop.  As you increase your effort into learning a skill you become better at it. And so the loop continues.

High achievers don’t start off feeling naturally confident, deep down they will most likely feel like a complete fraud until they have developed a proficient set of skills for a new task.  Learn to take growth and development in your stride and envision yourself as a work in progress!

Why bother?  Well, without confidence you will revert to fear, and when you’re fearful you won’t take any action.

2. Change your posture

If you are sitting down check your posture, pay attention to you where you’re positioned.  What is your body language saying to you?  

When you are confident, you make yourself big.  Think of Bolt crossing the winning line, what does he do?  He throws his arms in the air - he’s confident, he’s just won, he makes himself as big as possible.  

Conversely if you make yourself small, try sitting hunched over with arms folded, you will start to feel fearful and you’ll begin to shrink away.

Become very aware of your body language and how you’re positioning your body.  Check in with yourself frequently on this.  Sit tall, proud and be present.

3. Practice being confident

Sounds weird right?  Just try it.  Choose a safe environment and run a little experiment with the people around you (I’d suggest trying this at the supermarket).  

When you’re standing at the cashiers till strike a high power pose.  Think Wonder Woman on a mission. Stand with your feet apart, your hands on your hips, and your chin tilted upward. Have a high energy chat about the weather, your kids… whatever! Check in with how you are feeling now you’ve adopted your power stance.  When you pretend to be powerful, you’re more likely to feel powerful.

When the time comes to go live and put your practice into action use broad gestures.  Encircle your audience with your arms, inviting them into your space. Use positive body language because it will make you feel bigger than you really are. Pretend to feel confident and you’ll become confident.

It takes practice. Prior to your presentation or meeting, find a quiet place to centre yourself and get “in the zone.” Practice your gestures. Stand tall and remind yourself that you’re the expert, and feel your confidence grow. Then you “become it,” the power person that your audience came to hear.

Seriously this stuff really works!  Play around with the power poses, have fun with it and watch you confidence levels increase. People don’t necessarily remember you because of what you say they remember you because of your charisma, and the delivery of your message.

4. Smile!  

“When you’re smiling, the whole world smiles with you.”  Smiling sends a party signal to your brain that tells you that you’re happy.  It might be forced, doesn’t worry it doesn’t matter no-one will know, and it really makes a big difference to how you feel. 

A smile is so important; it tells everyone you are happy, confident and most important competent.  Looking sad or anxious, makes people wonder if you know what you are really doing. 

Regardless of your motivation to smile, its contagious and you will make someones day by smiling.  You’ll note that people just can’t help but smile back at you.  So, smiling is a win-win and a shortcut to succeeding in business.  

5.“Fake it until you become it”

Harvard social psychologist Amy Cuddy says “Fake it until you become it”.  Practice every day where ever and whenever you get the opportunity.  Tiny tweaks over time lead to big difference. “Time is the force that magnifies those simple daily disciplines into massive success” - Jeff Olson.  Don’t take it too seriously, enjoy and just go for it! 

Bring on the weekend!

Much love Sarah xxx

p.s If you enjoyed this article please share with your friends.

5 Ways To Find Your Perfect Mentor

The term mentor originates from Greek mythology involving Athena, the legendary hero Odysseus, and his son Telemachus.  In the myth Athena disguises herself as a character called “Mentor” and encourages Telemachus to set off on a successful quest to find his father and defeat their enemies.  Athena’s role is the source of the name “mentor” we use today.   Athena shielded Telemachus from his enemies using her power and experience.

A mentor can be your most powerful allie.  Mentoring is a process that enables business professionals to reach their full potential.  They will help you find your direction, improve leadership skills, develop competencies and powerful connections. If you speak to anyone who is a senior leader in your organisation or has built an incredible company they will tell you that one of their most valuable assets when building their dreams was the support of their mentor.

And there is a financial and social benefit to mentoring.  It is estimated that unleashing the full potential of women in the UK alone would be worth and estimated £15-23B to the UK economy (Business in the Community 2016).   Wow, this is powerful stuff! 

Mentoring gives you time to think, find two-way inspiration, empowers and develops confidence, generates creativity and innovation, and develops leadership skills.  Mentoring is a powerful personal development tool.  By the way these are also skills that you can pass on to your friends, family and children.  

There are loads of ways to get you started.  Here are my 6 ways to find the perfect mentor for you:

  1. Get plugged into your community and start building relationships.  Join a Facebook Group, pick up a book, subscribe to a podcast, head over to YouTube and tune into the explosion of free advice.  
  2. Who is the best in your industry?  Get connected with them.  Go to their live events, show up in their world, observe and engage with them.  There are incredible people in the world who understand your success is their success, so engage with those individuals who you know care about other people in world and not just their bank balance.  
  3. Don’t just look up, also look to the side.  Your colleagues who are alongside you are often closer to resolving the issues you are dealing with right now.  The people above you are further ahead on their journey and whilst they offer super valuable advice it may not necessarily be relevant to where you are at today.  So don’t miss out on valuable opportunities by insisting on a more “senior” mentor.
  4. If you have decided to invest in a mentor or coach you MUST do your due diligence.  Does their salesy chat match up to your expectations?  Research their testimonials, Google them ask for specific results, and understand what measurable impact they have had on their clients lives.  Big statements are great but it won’t necessarily help you build a thriving business, grow as a business leader and develop the life you have been dreaming about. All that glitters is not gold - make sure you make a smart investment.  
  5. Earn respect and trust.   Do great work and be out there making waves in the world.  “If you want someone to invest in you give them a reason to believe in you” Marie Forleo

Love you all.

Sarah xxx

p.s If you enjoyed this article please share with your friends.

Networking for Business Success

Stop collecting business cards and start making meaningful connections.

Love it or loath it, networking is so powerful for building a thriving business or climbing the corporate ladder.  Even when you’re a new Mum looking for some sanity, networking becomes a critical skill.  It surprises me that so often I hear other women saying that we are not good at networking, this is total rubbish!  It’s so often the ladies in the household that create the vital support networks for our families; it’s this network that becomes the life-line in difficult times.

Networking is not just about swapping business cards; you want to learn how to network for life, for endless value, build a business or to significantly enhance your career success.  I climbed the corporate ladder purely by having the right people in my network, and the strong foundations of my business exists today because of my network.

So, if you are looking to increase the quality and quantity of your best clients and/or you want to develop relationships with other incredible professionals you need to get yourself out there! 

The traditional idea of networking is to attend events complete with a room full of people just like you.  The problem with most networking events is that most people have themselves at the centre of their thoughts, whether it be signing up a new client, creating awareness for their business or connecting with someone in the hope of developing a mutually beneficial relationship.  They are looking for instant gratification.

Gary Vaynerchuck says “effective networking is about reversing the game everybody instinctively plays.  It’s about patience and buildup, not the close.  We celebrate audacity and courage instead of patience and value.”  Think of it like a dating game.  It’s not about the one night stand, its about finding your soul mate.  You’re looking for the golden nugget, the long lasting committed relationship.  

Now, I am not saying don’t attend networking events.  I’ve met some incredible people at these socials.  However you need to do something to facilitate growing valuable connections built on long-lasting trust.  How do I do this?  You shift the focus from you to thinking of them.  

Ask yourself the question, how can you become their ultimate resource.  How can you be the person that connects them to a new contact, recommends another trust professional, hairdresser, cake-maker or whatever it is that makes their life a hell of a lot easier and saves them time. Become connected to all the top businesses in your orbit. 

By becoming a connector you become a go-to person, the trusted adviser and you will be surprised how quickly this approach will be reciprocated.  Ensure that you are sharing your message along the way, so that they understand you and your business.  Because guess what, when you pay it forward, go the extra mile for someone and build mutual trust, you are at the forefront of their mind when it comes to recommending a business expert (yes that’s you!). 

So what are you waiting for?  Get out there, meet new people and remember to do it in a mindful way by always asking yourself the question, how can I become their ultimate resource? This takes a shift in mindset, but by adding extraordinary value, by learning about their issues and by creating opportunities for your clients, you can leverage your strategic partnerships and create a powerful network.

Share your vision, your ambitions, and the intimate details of organisation, and build a network of people that you love.  Attract those likeminded, A-list incredible men and women just like you.  The deeper the quality of your network the greater the magnitude your success. 

Come and join us in the Fiercely Ambitious Entrepreneurs Facebook Group, connect, build your network and magnitude your success.

Love you all.

Sarah xxx

p.s If you enjoyed this article please share with your friends.

Be a World-Class Achiever with Super Sized Goals

Hello Gorgeous,

Tomorrow, January 15th, is officially Blue Monday 2018. Blue Monday is the name given to the day in January (typically the third Monday of the month) claimed to be the most depressing day of the year.  So what can you do to beat off the Monday blues, feel fresh, full of energy AND achieve your goals? 

1. The most important thing to understand is that you need to be healthy.  You can have all the money in the world but if you’re sick and unable to function properly, you’re no use to anyone.  Preventative care is the winning formula in business and life.  Prioritise yourself, if you need to spend money anywhere, spend it on your health.  

Get moving.  You’ll feel the energy building when you get moving.  It will be this energy that takes you to the next level in your life. 

2. What ever your goal is, realise that it is probably not the real goal that you really want. It’s not the car that you’re chasing, it’s the life experience that you really want. 

What ever that experience is that you’re seeking, know that you can start right now.  You just need to identify the Big Why.  What is it that you really want? Once you have written those goals, you can begin… yes right now! The only thing holding you back is you.  So start… get into it!  I promise you that you’ll get hooked and you’ll advance more quickly.  Take the challenge head on, tackle those goals and don’t be afraid.  

3. Get obsessive about 3 things: your energy, your attitude and your commitment to habits and routines… and remove the distractions.  Long term achievement comes from your habits and routines.  The inbox that you obsessively check every five minutes is just a distraction, it is not going to help you achieve those super sized goals you are striving towards.

4. Your hearts is bigger than your fears.  Show people your heart and connect to them.  When you’re yourself, even when you’re at your most most vulnerable, you will feel in transformation your own life.  Why?  Because people will see themselves in you, and you become human rather than the Instagram photo that you portray yourself to be.  Being vulnerable is incredibly empowering.  

5. Your success is likely to be directly proportional to the amount of knowledge you possess. Knowledge about your products… technology… and market. Learn more, maximise your potential and earn more.   Position yourself for tomorrow.

Earlier this week I delivered an incredible training session about Becoming a world-class achiever - bring on the super sized goals!  Join me for our next training at Fiercely Ambitious Entrepreneurs.  I cannot wait for you to join my community of big 2018 world-class achievers! 

If you enjoyed this article please share with your friends.  Love you all.

Sarah xxx

Bye Bye My Old Friend 2017

Hello Gorgeous,
This year has without a doubt been the biggest roller-coast of my entire life.  Getting to share this wonderful life with our little girl Chloë has been the absolutely highlight for me.  I’ve learnt so much from watching this incredible little person grow, and I don’t take it for granted. I consider it a huge privilege be a part of her world.  

Growing a business has also hoofed some life lessons my way too!  I’ve learnt so much from my incredible clients, and I’m so much stronger with my community of Fiercely Ambitious Entrepreneurs by my side. I now feel like I know my true supporters, my true friend and those people who truly have my back.  I’ve been so humbled by how people have given up their time and space to help out our little family; I have so many people who I’m grateful for in my life.

There has also been a few bumps in the road!  Being displaced from our home, the house renovation, a new baby, huge pressures on our finances, running businesses and generally dealing with a big shift in our lifestyle has put phenomenal pressure on my marriage and whilst there were times where I didn’t think we would make it though, despite the odds, we love each other dearly and have committed to making this work ***queue soundtrack “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”! 

Here are my 6 key lessons that I have learnt this year:

1. Taking care of yourself is fundamental for your success

If you’re not functioning properly, too tired, not enough energy, you’re are not exercising, working too hard etc… then you’re no use to anyone and you certainly won’t deliver the best results for your clients.  You need to take care of your body, mind and soul to ensure you can contribute your best results.  Once you firing on all cylinders, you can be generous with other people and give the world the very best of you.

2. Clarity - get clear on your big why
Why are you doing this? What is that it that you truly desire?  Take that big dream and define your mission and then break it down into manageable chunks.  Each chunk will break down further into tasks that you can easily achieve, that move you towards your bigger goal.  

3.Believe in yourself
Your success is a direct result of how much you believe in yourself and your unflagging ability to push through the noise, the naysayers and the doubters.  They may think what you are trying to achieve is the impossible, but only you truly know if you can do it!  What makes other people the expert on whether you can achieve your goals or not?  Don’t let them be the dictator of your destiny, it’s down to you and only you.

4. Surround yourself by other remarkable, like-minded people
Like-minded people will believe in you and encourage you to continue moving towards your goals even when feels like there is a mountain to move.  I’ve found my community of women in the Fiercely Ambitious Entrepreneurs my biggest supports through the good, the bad and the incredible. They just get it, and they get me!  Your community will give you advanced feedback so you can get smarter and smarter.  They will validate that you’re on the right track and keeps your dreams alive.

5. Take action.  Show up every single day keep inching towards your dreams
The power of intention is amazing, but you have to be moving towards your goals by taking action.  Whether is be journaling, calling a client, give back to other …keep the momentum going.

6. Focus
Don’t let your actions be defined by your inbox and what everyone else wants you do.  Study your craft, be the expert in your field.  What will it take to become the best of the best?  Reading a book a week? Taking a course? Study, pay attention, and learn from the best.  And then practice, practice, practice. This is the way that you will develop real competence and in turn you will be strong and confident in your delivery. 

Have yourself a wonderful New Years Eve tonight Gorgeous << Test First Name >> and I will see you in 2018.  I cannot wait to see what is ahead.  Will 2018 be your year of Transformation?  Set your intention for 2018 to be the happiest year of your life and every day, follow your hear and instinct down new paths.

This is a world of opportunities - this will be your year!
Much love
Sarah xxx

p.s. If you've found this blog useful please share the love with your friends

Merry Christmas you Filthy Animals! And a Happy New Year!

Hi Gorgeous

A very quick note from me to you.  Wishing you a very Merry Christmas with your family and friends.  I absolutely love Christmas. It’s a time for inexcusable downtime with family and friends.  

I want to wish you the very happiest of Christmas’ and thank you all from the bottom of my heart for making 2017 one of the most memorable years of my entire life.  I'm so grateful to have you all in my community, and I’m so pleased that you will be by my side, joining me for an incredible 2018... great things are happening!

2018 is my transformational year and it can be yours too!  I've found my business mojo and I'm building upon an incredible brand.  

If it’s not obvious to you yet why you've decided to go into business, climb that corporate ladder, or where the next chapter is going to take you, stick with it, I promise you it will all become clear.  Much of what I’ve done so far has been very instinctive. It’s been a bit of a mystery and I’ve felt like my destiny was shrouded with a grey haze!  Now I have a clear intention as to where this crazy adventure will take me.

This is your time to celebrate and enjoy your time.  Brace yourself for an incredible 2018.  I know beyond reason that in-spite of any fears, my path is illuminated, and yours will be too.  Have faith, get excited about the future because THIS…IS…HAPPENING!

Much love 


5 Steps to Becoming More Confident

Surprisingly to many, you are not born with confidence, it’s an acquired skill.  There are simple changes that you can make that will exponentially increase your confidence.  Here are my 5 steps to growing your beautiful boldness.

1. You Don’t need 100 reasons to be confident

Say to yourself - “Today I’m going to absolutely believe in myself and be more confident”.  Before you leave the house look in the mirror and say “today I am going to own it!”

You don’t need 100 reasons to be more confident.  Have you ever had a day where you just absolutely crushed it?  This is the power of your heartfelt intention, your day was incredible because you woke up thought about the outcomes for your day, and then set your mind to achieve those goals. 

Intention is extremely powerful,  It energies you and transforms self doubt.  It will help you let go of the past and focused on the your goal.

So, simply decide you are going to be more confident and then just get out there any do it! You will massively reap the benefits. “You don’t attract what you want. You attract what you are” - Wayne Dyer.


2. Be yourself

Real confidence is having the ability to authentically express who you are.  Have a clear intention of who you’re going to be and pursue the things you desire.

Being your authentic self makes a huge difference to the way that people perceive you.  Think of a life without Lady Gaga!  If she had not embraced and celebrated her differences then we would have a much less colourful world!   When you’re living with integrity for who you are and what you believe, you feel fully alive and authentic, in turn you feel more confident.  

Acknowledge your key skills, talents and realise your potential; be your own cheerleader and celebrate your fabulous self.  Believe in yourself and integrate each success into your heart and your identity.  This is one of the key steps of your personal development and growing your confidence.  


3. The Confidence-Competency Loop

Our success accelerates when we are confident.  Without confidence we revert to fear, and when we are fearful we don’t take any action.

There is a simple formula that reminds us that as you become more competent at something, you become more confident.  Babies are not born with confidence, but their confidence grows as they practice and develop.  As you increase your effort into learning a skill you become better at it.  

High achievers also don’t start off feeling naturally confident, deep down they will most likely feel like a complete fraud until they have developed a proficient set of skills for the new task.  Learn to take growth and development in your stride, see yourself as a work in progress!


4. Momentum

Think about what small things you can do to move ahead.  In your career or business, what can you do every single day that will add to your brilliance?  Don’t just go and crush it today and then forget about it; take action every single day and deepen your confidence.

The opportunities are limitless, we live in a world of abundance, but you got to take action every single day and in order to move towards your big goals.  


5. Love the magical adventure!

Take a moment every day to recoup and gain perspective.  Try viewing life as a magical adventure.  See the beauty everywhere you go and just have fun with it - don’t take it all too seriously!

I know that it’s sometime super hard when you are in the thick of things or you are working a job wear you have to wear that mask every single day, but ask yourself “what is the worst that can happen?”.  If you answer that question honestly you will find that the worst that can happen is that you have a bit more fun, maybe people will start to notice the subtle changes, but most importantly you will feel and be yourself. And honestly that’s who you truly want to be, the sparkly, real and confident version of you! 

If you have found value in this newsletter, please share it with your friends.  It would mean the world to me.

Thanks again and have an amazing remainder of the week.

Much love



Is Your Life On Auto Pilot?

Have you ever arrived at work and wondered how you got there?  You literally have no recollection of the journey?  You’re not alone; most of us at some point have blanked out a large chunk of time, which is then lost forever.  Be conscious of when this happens to you, it may be that red flag waving at you telling you that you’ve switched off and checked out; this ultimately leaves us feeling unfulfilled and unhappy.

Do you feel like you have lost your sparkle?

Living your life on auto pilot leads you down the dark path of least resistance.  And that includes saying yes to things when every bone in your body is screaming “no don’t do it”!!!  You’ll find yourself agreeing to that date you don’t want to go on, working late, and spending time with people that drag you down. Being on auto pilot dulls your ability to make strong, conscious choices that serve you in the long term interests of living an incredible life.  You’ll be feeling like you’re trapped in The Matrix feeling pulled in two different directions.  

96% of the 3,000 people surveyed in a recent study commissioned by Marks & Spencer said that they were living life on autopilot.  Of course our subconscious makes many decisions on our behalf as there are way too many decisions to consciously make on any one given day (our minds are incredibly clever at stopping the overload on our behalf) but too many small mindless decisions can have a huge impact on the way our lives are shaped.  

Your auto pilot shuts down the part of your brain that encourages you to be brave and step out of your comfort zone, instead you sleep walk through life in an unconscious haze.

There are 3 classic archetypal people running through life on auto pilot:

1. The people pleaser - if you find yourself in situations where you are uncomfortable but you carry on regardless; for example, something that isn’t in line with your values. Or, If you struggle to say no to situations or you change your behaviour to fit in, these are clear people pleaser signals.  Take a pause - it's OK to say no.

2. The pacer - people who are always looking for the next thing and struggle to live in the here and now …I recognise myself in this description! 

3. The passenger - individuals are often just sliding along the course of least resistance, driven fare more by what scares them (disapproval, rejection, uncertainty) rather than by what inspires them.

Do you recogniser yourself in the 3 types? - Its time to wake up and get tuned back in to your life.

If you feel stuck on autopilot, and unable to make the necessary changes to change the trajectory of your life?  Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Come on over and join us in Fiercely Ambitious Entrepreneurs and surround yourself with incredible women.  You will be so inspired to see the changes that are happening every single day! Tune back in and make a consciously great decision.

If you liked this blog please share with a friend or 2 we would so appreciate it.

Much love

Sarah  xxx

Mastering the Magic of Money

“Only those who become money conscious ever accumulate great riches.  Money consciousness means that the mind has become so saturated with the desire for money, that one can see one’s self already in possession of it” - Napoleon Hill

I consider it a real privilege to be in your inbox every week.  Your time and attention is not something I take lightly.  I truly believe that together we can change the world. And having the power to change the world starts with your money mindset.  Does that sound like a strange thing to say? I think not!  …without having real power over your money, how can donate to your favourite charity, treat a friend to lunch, or pay for those dancing lessons your little girl has been nagging you about?  

Your relationship with money is the key to you finally earning the income you deserve, bringing more abundance to your life and business, and enriching the lives of those around you.

If you’re not willing to address your relationship with money, and take action to change your situation you will get left behind, and this will leave you frustrated.  It is possible to have a little bit of success with limiting money beliefs and habits, but you will end up sabotaging your success and your money disappears as quickly as it enters your bank account.  

“One of the most common causes of failure is the habit of quitting when on his overtaken by temporary defeat” - Napoleon Hill. This was certainly the case for me not so long ago when I literally emptied the last £40 out of my bank account.  I was petrified at this point and scared about what was about to come.  I envisaged a debt tsunami!  

You may also find yourself stuck in a poverty or scarcity mindset.  The universe responds to whatever you are putting out, so if your mindset is about grown and increase, then this is what you will receive back.  If you are fearful and critical, this is what you will receive.

Easy to say! I hear you.

If this is you, let go of everything you are holding onto right now.  Let the day go and then let the warm, inner peace wash over you as you close your eyes just for a few minutes to get really centred. Creating some room in your heart and mind will help you move through the scarcity.

Keep pushing through; push through the uncomfortable pain barrier, and believe me I know your pain!  The universe really does have your back.  

If you have found value in this news letter, please share it with your friends.  It would mean the world to me.

Thanks again and have an amazing weeked.

Much love



5 Simple Money Mindset Shifts that Payoff Huge!

Hello gorgeous peeps,

Last week I was really focused on my own money mindset and boy oh boy there were some demons in my closet to shake out.  I made some monumental inroads; I now feel lighter and I’ve got the spring in my step back.  Since putting in the work I’ve had the tune “Dreams Can Come True” running through my mind!  

Money mindset work really is incredible - already I’ve had a free cab ride from the tube whilst it was pouring down with rain on Saturday, I received $120 from some tiles I returned and I’ve booked a new client. Whoop whoop!  

It pays huge dividends to work on your money mindset on an ongoing, daily basis.  It's like exercise the more money mindset work you do, the stronger you become. Remember thoughts become things …And with the holidays coming up (yes there really are only 63 days to Christmas!), travel, parties, gifts and extra time with the family it’s inevitable that money will be a hot topic.  So, stop telling yourself that you are not good with money and start taking actions to improve your money mindset.  

There is so many powerful changes you can make to improve your relationship with money. Here are 5 simple tips for you:

  • The key one for me is, any time you part with money bless it and say “there's always more where that came from”
  • You can become financially fabulous and learn to value yourself, train that money mentality muscle!  Every day write down the 3 things that you value about yourself or where you add value to someone else's life.   Adding value to someone's life can be smiling, letting someone know that you love them. Celebrate yourself. 
  • Oprah says “Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough”.
  • Spread the wealth.  When you are feeling a lack around money, donate to your favourite charity.
  • Respect every $,€ or £ that crosses your path.  If you see a penny on the street, grab that penny and be so grateful that you saw the opportunity.  It's a sign that you are on the right track for receiving money.  Every penny counts. 

For more practical steps click the link for my 7 module self-study course Becoming Financially Fabulous.  I give you the armoury you need to grow your income and become financially wealthy.

Have you broken free from the scarcity of money?  Or, if you haven't managed to do so yet, what actions are you going to take to change your story.  I’d love to hear from you.  How exactly did you do it?

If you have found value in this news letter, please share it with your friends.  It would mean the world to me.

Thanks again and have an amazing week.

Much love




Becoming Financially Fabulous!

Hello Gorgeous!

What's your money mindset?

Most of us have a terrible blue print around money.   But if you want to, you can change your money mindset and start creating some serious wealth for yourself.  I know this because I've seen a serious shift in my bank account since I've been doing the work around my own money mindset.

To change your belief system around money there are 3 steps:

  1. Understand your past money dramas
  2. Become aware of your current situation
    • You cannot change what you don't know about
    • You’ve got to draw your attention to the issues
  3. Reconditioning your mindset to create your new money story

Then I want you ask yourself the question - what is the frequency that I amputting out there? Because what you think about you bring about. 

When we found out we were pregnant with our baby girl Chloë, we knew we needed to move to a bigger home. So, we sold our lovely little flat in a leafy suburb of London and moved to bigger apartment about half a mile away. It was such a great summer. I was pregnant, the sun shone and we planned the layout and design of our new dream home. We excitedly pressed on to realise our dream home and hired a builder to help us. A little after a month into our renovations we realised that we had hired a cowboy builder who was a transpired to be a drug addict, and he had stolen a large sum of our cash. It was money that had taken years to save.

I was scared, and we had no money left. At the lowest point, I phoned the bank and asked them transfer my last £40 from my savings to my checking account so I could pay a small chunk of the builders merchants bill. 

I had no idea where the next penny was going to come from, we were in serious financial trouble. Our home was in tatters and we had to piece it back together again, but we had no money. 

Thankfully, this is when I discovered the power of your money mindset. Idiscovered pretty quickly that the key to making massive money in my business, was to build a better relationship with money. Instead of putting my head in the sand when it came to my finances, I mastered my money flow and monitored everything that was coming in and going out in my bank account.

My coach helped me listed out all my past money dramas and one by one I started to understand how they had impacted the way I think about money today.  It was uncomfortable, emotional work but it seriously helped me make the shift that I needed!  …what had become very clear to me is you need to get out of your comfort zone - your comfort zone is in direct proportion to your income zone!

If you are not happy with the number in your bank account you need to stretch yourself.  You can't go any further unless you stretch yourself.

I look forwards to hearing all about the shifts that you have made in your life financially and the changes you have seen.  

Make today the start of your richer life.  And let’s start creating some serious wealth, so together we can change the world.

You can learn much more about how to change your money blueprint by taking my self-study course.   Click here


...This one is a bit emosh! My top 5 tips to becoming resilient

Hello Gorgeous! 

This is turning out to be pretty incredible week. Whoop whoop!!!  

After a year long, roller coaster of a journey that almost broke my marriage (shocker!) we moved into our new little pad in North London.  I’m thoroughly exhausted but elated that we are in.  There is still a way to go finishing everything off, but we have a brand new apartment and it's amazing that we have space for our little family. I’m so grateful to everyone who helped get us to this point!  …so, so incredibly grateful.

I genuinely never knew that I could be so resilient, the human body never ceases to amaze me.  Here's a brief summary of my year so far - make a bold decision to do housing renovations whilst heavily pregnant, queue the entry of a cowboy builder into our lives, set up a brand new business venture, newborn baby arrives, relocation of the Bennett-Nashs’ to a friends house with newborn (yes they really are that amazing!) near marriage breakdown, financial meltdown, get hired to work with some incredible ladies who have set up AMAZING businesses, become a published blogger (WTF!).  I am so honoured to have been published in Thrive Global Magazine - click here to see my article 4 simple steps to break through self-limiting beliefs.  …WOW!  I can hardly believe it’s true myself after reading that list again! 

The Oxford English Dictionary states resilience as “The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.” Resilience is an incredible powerful quality and it will pay you back dividends to focus on honing your skills in this area.  As an entrepreneur there will inevitably be times when you’re knocked down by life but if you can come back stronger, bolder and wiser it is incredibly empowering.  Failure wasn't an option, I wasn't going to become a victim of life’s circumstances!  

Just because grown in my resilience does not mean that I haven’t experienced difficulty or stress.  It’s been an emotional rollercoaster but I’ve honestly learnt so much; it has been a real journey of self discovery!  Here are my top tips to helping you along during your turbulent times.  

1. Take action

  • There are days when the last thing you want to do is drag yourself out of bed and start hustling!  So, if you’re having a difficult day, week, month, be kind to yourself and celebrate your successes so far, no matter how small you may think they are.  
  • Make your bed every single day.  This may seem like a small thing to do, but it sets the tone for the day, your first task achieved! It will also give you a sense of pride to have a tidy bed. 
  • Don't bury your head in the sand.  Believe me, the problem won't go away, but by making the list and tackling each issue you will feel a million times better about things.

2. Build a strong network

  • Building good relationships with like-minded people is fundamental to your success as an entrepreneur.
  • Finding your tribe who share your undying, relentless passion for what you do is key to your ongoing success and will undoubtably pull you through those days when you feel like quitting. 
  • Make real connections - sharing your goals with your business besties massively helps with building a sense of accountability.
  • Sharing your successes and your struggles builds the sense of trust and mutual respect, and this is gold dust. Let’s face it we all need a kind and caring ear to listen to us every now and again. 

3. Revisit your vision board

  • If you haven't got a vision board, what are you waiting for!  Regularly revisit the big picture; it's your big dream that will drive you through the tough times and stop you from focusing on the minor bumps in the road.
  • Put your vision board front and centre where you will see it every single day.  It will guide your subconscious mind to continue seeking opportunities that you may very well resist if you are caught in the moment, and a cycle of negativity. 

4. Flip the switch on that negative mind chatter

  • You can massively reduce the amount of stress that you feeling mounting from every day issues if you turn your problem(s) on it’s head.  Rather than thinking “why me”, learn from the experience and take a mental note of what you have learnt as a result of the issue.  Consider each complication, or failure as an opportunity to learn something new. Et voila! its no longer a failure it is wisdom in the making.
  • Look to the future and focus on the outcome that you want from a particular circumstance.  Remember to listen to the logical side of your brain that tells you, you cannot change the past, but you can shape the future.  You absolutely be in charge with how you respond to a situation and drive the results to the outcome you want.   

5. Be kind to yourself  

  • Why do we always leave ourselves last?  There is a very good reason why the cabin crew tell you to put on your oxygen mask first; you are no good to anyone if you don't take care of yourself! 
  • Taking care of yourself means eating well and exercising. I know, I know, you might HATE exercise but a walk a day keeps the doctor away!  And take care of your appearance, putting on an outfit you love or adding a splash of your favourite lippy, gives you an instant lift.
  • Carve out some time for yourself.
  • Quit the comparison game (for some reason this runs rampant amongst women).  Most of us have big misconceptions about what other people are doing. We think they are getting more clients, making more money, marketing themselves better…blar, blar, blar!  In reality, you have no idea wether or not these things are happening. Comparing yourself to other people does not serve you - fact!     

You're in charge of the outcome; you've the choice to see the challenges as opportunities and grow from the difficult situations you experience.  Believe in yourself; you are strong enough to bounce back from adversity and you can reshape the outcome of any given situation.

So if you found this business advice useful, please share it with 2 or more people!

Love you all 

Sarah xxx

The Power of Clarity - Steps to Achieving Any Goal

Hello Gorgeous,

Welcome to September.  The final quarter of 2017.  I can hardly believe that we are here already, this year has absolutely FLOWN by.  Do you know what I mean?  

I love the autumn.  Everyone is back from their summer holidays revitalised, pumped up and ready to roll to the end of the year.  

Q4 is also a time for reflection.  How have you made a difference in 2017?  What have you achieved?  Have you achieved everything that you wanted to so far? If yes! Alleluia, well done you, I LOVE that!  …Now time to go and celebrate, whoop whoop! If no… well let’s not get down in the dumps about it just yet, there are still 4 months to go.  4 whole months to make a REAL difference.  

So let’s get started.  Answer me this, what has been holding you back?  Ready for some tough love …what excuses have you been creating to stop you taking that next step?  By the way, this is the next step that deep down you know you are ready for!

For years (yes years!)  I held myself back by telling myself “I pay the mortgage so I can't become my own boss, because we needed the security of a paycheck”.  I was stuck and I’d come to believe this fiction because I was REALLY scared to step out of my comfort zone.  TRUTH BOMB!   But by being brave and taking action I am now doing the thing I’ve been dreaming about for so long.  Even though some aspects of my life have been caving in around me, I feel the happiest I have felt in so long.  I have so much more balance in life, I love the challenges being an entrepreneur brings, and I absolutely LOVE the ladies that I work with. They inspire me to be a better human being every single day.  I am so happy, I can’t quite believe it some days.  

Are you ready to take the next step?  In this little note to you I have a FREE gift, in celebration of achieving one of my own personal goals this month. I launched a mini offer for the ladies in my private Facebook Group Fiercely Ambitious Entrepreneurs which was so much more successful than I could have imagined! The only reason I was able to gain this success is because I was and I am crystal clear on my goals.

I have a free workbook and bonus audio available for you to download - The Power of Clarity - Steps to Achieving Any Goal.

This incredible workbook will help you get started and enable you to create the success that you have been dreaming about for so long.  Let me know how you get on, I would LOVE to celebrate your successes with you. 

Anything is possible if you have the nerve.

Much love

Sarah xxx

Pinch yourself happy!  

It is just me or does anyone else have dark days?  Apart from the death of my dear father the past year has been one of the most difficult of my entire life. I've never felt such a strong opposition of emotions before.   Such massive joys from the successes but huge pits of darkness from other aspects of my life.  Some days I’ve felt like spending all day sobbing. And yes, I've allowed myself to wallow a little.  I’ve taken myself off to the bathroom to cry on a few occasions, but then I’ve had a good chat with myself and snapped out of it.  It has been emotional, incredibly confusing, wonderful and brilliant; this is the rollercoaster we call life… with the twist of a new baby! 

What I’ve learnt this past year, is that nothing …and I mean nothing, is impossible if you've got the nerve.  I've done things that I never thought possible.  I've extended my financial reach more than ever before, I'm raising a child and with the support of an marvellous team including my husband we've completely renovated our home… oh and I’ve set up an incredible international business, learnt how become a marketeer and have completed 4 training courses, all whilst juggling diapers and sleepless nights.  

If you’d have asked me 2 years ago that this year would transpire as it has, I'd have laughed (a slightly crazed laugh) and then laughed at you some more.  

What has given me the motivation is my deep connection to my “why”.  I want to build an incredible life for my baby girl and our little family.  I want more than to see my child just at the weekends, work to pay a mortgage and have one holiday a year.  I want financial freedom.  I don't want to be reliant on a wage in an uncertain industry, where 10% of the workforce is cut annually, or to settle on not receiving the pay rise I so deserve.  I want inspire people just like you, to do the same and reach your true potential.  For years I told myself that I couldn't run my own business because I pay the mortgage; well this story I told myself simply isn’t true.  

Are you done with feeling stuck? And you know you are destined for more? Do you feel like you are poised for greatness?  Do you wish you could snap your fingers and have all your bills paid and a million in the bank.  This was me. 

One day I woke up feeling slightly depressed, I had all the same excuses running through my head.  I knew that I had to do something otherwise we would be in serious financial trouble, but I was still giving myself reason to bury my head in the sand.  The previous day I had heard about the Mel Robbins method of counting down 5-4-3-2-1 before making a big decision, and then I just did it… 

I took that bold next step and hired a coach.  Financially I thought I shouldn't but my heart was screaming to me; I needed to make a massive change in my life.  I lifted the drafted email that had sat in my outbox for months…. 5-4-3-2-1 and then I hit send, in a nano second it was off to my coaches inbox. I was scared of the financial commitment, but I did it anyway.  I said to myself “enough is enough, let’s get this show on the road” …and every single day, I am so grateful that I did! 

I couldn’t have achieved the success I have without my coach and mentor.  She guided me through some pretty dark days and she celebrates the successes with me too!  And right now I as sit writing this to you, I am enjoying every moment of the successes with the sun on my face, outside with my baby girl.  Right now in this moment I am ecstatically, can't quite believe it, pinch yourself happy!  

So, if you think hiring a coach is something that is right for you but you’re giving yourself excuses as to why you shouldn’t, practice Mel Robbins 5 second rule.  Count down from 5, and do the thing! Book a 30 minute discovery call with me

Coaching has changed my life and it may changes yours.  I cannot wait to hear from you!  

Much love

Sarah xxx

P.S. if you would like to see more details click here to take a look at my coaching programs.

Breaking through Self Limiting Beliefs 

We learn our belief systems as very little children, and then we move through life creating experiences to match our beliefs.  Look back in your own life and notice how often you have gone through the same experience. - Louise L. Hay

What is your biggest fear? One of the most common answers to this question is that people are afraid to loose their job.  

Most of us think we have a problem in our lives until a bigger one comes along. Lets assume you have lost your job, it is not a problem until you loose your savings, but then that isn't a problem if you loose a leg, or your child gets sick.  

Once you start exploring this way of thinking you begin to understand that you are more than any moment.  There is no problem that you can't over come and your life is more than that one event.  Your life is controlled by the decisions that you make on a daily basis.  This is what will keep us playing small or really going for our dreams.  

So how do we overcome these limiting beliefs that hold us back?

You unlock your freedom when you face your fear and push through it; this is where the real transformation happens:

  1. Identify where you are emotionally - guilty, overwhelmed, stuck, depressed, sad. You cannot change your life when you are stuck in these emotional states, there is not enough energy.  Once you identify the pattern and you see the truth, then you can decide how to fix the problem.
  2. What is the antidote?  If fear is controlling things, the antidote is courage.  And in the present moment, being courageous may not necessarily feel good for you, but do it any way!  Push through the barrier.  Treat your emotions like a muscle, if you practice, you will get stronger.   People have patterns.  What is yours? Angry people get angry, sad people get sad.  This is where we naturally live in our “home” our comfortable place. We use triggers as events to get us “home”.  Identify the triggers and then find the antidote.  
  3. Practice that emotion.  Know that you can change your frustrations. If you work out what is causing your frustrations, then you can start to take action.  Be consistent in working towards making the change.  Remember your natural instinct will be to go back to your natural “home”, but if you are aware of the trigger and keep practicing, soon a new muscle memory will kick in.
  4. Condition the emotion - this is when your life changes, when your found new emotion is the new normal.  

I can attest, these steps do work.  From being a young child my learnt behaviour lead me to think that it was completely acceptable to loose control and have fits of angry rage.  Don't get me wrong, anger is completely normal, usually healthy human emotion.  But when it gets out of control it can be very destructive.  I learnt in my adult years, that getting angry doesn't actually solve the problem, it often exacerbates the issue. By practicing logically walking through an issue and by telling myself that “the world is not really out to get me” I slowly gained a more balanced perspective on life, and began to strip the drama out of my life …Sigh of relief!  

Identify a life where you feel empowered not out of control.  Join us at Fiercely Ambitious Entrepreneurs and be surrounded by likeminded, incredible women following their dreams xxx

The Happiness Plan

I was beavering away reviewing a client’s incredible website copy, when I lifted my head and for a split second I was horrified with what I saw.  The family sitting on the table in front of me were having a huge argument.  The father walked off leaving 2 teenagers and the mother at the table.  It was so desperately sad.  

Both teenage girls were visibly upset; one started crying and ran to the ladies bathroom and the other looked at her mother exasperated. The mother offered no comfort to her daughters, she turned to her phone and logged onto her Facebook account.  This heart breaking scene that unfolded reminded me of days of old when my own family would have huge fights and then not speak to each other for days.  I do not miss those dark days, but it was those experiences that really helped shape who I am today.  I made a very conscious decision to leave those dark days behind me and focus on creating a happy life full of fun and laughter… for the most part anyway!  

Being happy didn't just happen over night, I needed a plan.  I started reading books on the topic and attended a number of happiness lectures, only to discover that there are some very simple ways of refocusing your energy to get back into the happy zone.  It doesn't have to be complicated; here is what I learnt on the journey:

1. Go on a mission to discover your strengths and then use them!  The happiest of people are those that have discovered their unique gifts in life and then regularly use them; incredibly rewarding in many ways.

2. I have written many blogs about the power of gratitude and I am so thankful for the incredible gifts present in my life every single day.  Flipping the switch on the “woe is me” thinking, that leads you to the pit of doom and keeps you there, literally changed my life.  Grateful people have been shown to have greater positive emotions, a greater sense of belonging, and lower incidence of depression and stress.

3. Be kind and do something lovely for someone.  You can do something so simple, such as buying a friend a coffee or taking some time to listen to someone in need.  Or you could sign yourself up to a volunteering day for an incredibly worthy cause.  Such a relatively small investment will undoubtably pay back several times over, just try it and see! 

4. Go ahead and express yourself!  People who have close friendships are known to be happier. It doesn’t seem to matter if we have a large network of close relationships or not. What make a difference is if and how often we cooperate in activities and share our personal feelings with a friend or relative. "Active-constructive responding," which is the ability to express genuine interest in what people say, and respond in encouraging ways, is a powerful way to enrich relationships and cultivate positive relationships.  If you want to cultivate incredible relationships, join us at Fiercely Ambitious Entrepreneurs

5. Get your frame moving. Exercise gets those magical happy hormones dancing around your body and has a huge impact on your sense of wellbeing.  People who regularly exercise have lower incidence of depression.  The same can be said of being mindful of the food that you are fuelling your body with.  When I am tuned into what I am putting into my body, I feel much more in control and ultimately much happier.

6. Do at least one thing you love every single day.  Make time for that one special date with a friend or partner, enjoy a scrumptious cup of coffee or perhaps take 10 minutes out to listen to the music that gets you back in the zone.  Make your little ritual your non-negotiable every day, put down your phone, enjoy that moment, be present and enjoy.  

Cultivate some incredible relationships and join us at Fiercely Ambitious Entrepreneurs.

#thehappynow #lovethelittlethings #beingaleader #creativeentrepreneur #savvybusinessower #nothingisordinary #everywomancan #successcoach #businesscoach #mumpreneur #bassassfemale 

Can you relate?

Hello hello gorgeous ladies! 

I’ve finally recovered from a bout of illness, and weirdly I feel lighter in so many ways.  I feel so very thankful for my good health and I am enormously grateful to wake up every morning feeling happy and fulfilled.  Even in the midst of feeling pretty hideous, I was thinking about the long list of exciting things that are happening right now.

Amongst the thoughts of sheer joy for my own business growth I had time to reflect on days of old.  I thought back to the monotony of the pay rise discussions, the pain of questioning why there were no female senior manages and I cringed thinking of awkwardly laughing at the sexist jokes rather than putting a stop to it.  

Maybe you can relate to that?

For years I had been an active member of the “Women’s Networks” within the corporate world.  Even as a co-chair of the Women's Network, taking a prominent role in the discussions I struggled to ensure that gender diversity was at the top of the agenda. I say it was a struggle because I never felt the true shift in the masculine thinking that would be a true breakthrough in ensuring that women have an equal place in the workforce.  I found it incredibly emotionally draining.  I hit an all time low one day when my boss described the Women’s Network as a place where we swapped knitting patterns.

Since setting up may own business, I have not once felt the need to justify my position as a women in the world.  I am creating something quite spectacular, surrounded by the most incredible women who love, trust and support one another.   Maybe I have been lucky, but somehow I don't think this is the case. What I have learnt is that women make incredible entrepreneurs.  We build our network wisely and with ease, we are flexible and dynamic and we most importantly we empower each other.

I love that every day I make a difference in the world.  And know this, we all have the capability of making a huge impact on the world!  If I can show just one woman like you, that she can set up her own business and make it in this crazy world that we live in, I have achieved something quite wonderful.

If you are seeking an extraordinary life, have an entrepreneurial spirit and you are looking to skyrocket your business. Join our Facebook Group Fiercely Ambitious Entrepreneurs .  This is a place to celebrate our accomplishments, professional milestones and achievements.

How To Grow Your Instagram Following

Wow!  What an incredible week this has been, thanks to the awesome ladies and gentlemen and in my Facebook Live 14 Day Challenge Group who have asked lots of questions this week about Instagram.  I completely immersed myself in the wonderful world of Instagram, and although I already use this social media platform, I never truly grasped its power until I started to do my research.  

Did you know that there are over 700 million users of Instagram, that is less than Facebook but a much larger group than Snapchat.   Instagram has massive engagement rates with very impressive levels of interaction. 75% of Instagram users take action after looking at a post, e.g., book a call or visit your website, so this is an incredibly powerful social media platform.   

Instagram is not just for your beautifully curated content.  You can use Instagram to grow your audience, build your email list, sell your products and services, sell tickets to an event, expand your impact, connect with an influencer and attract brand partnerships. It is huge! 

If you have not already entered the world of Instagram, don't delay any longer!  Once your account is up and running, ensure you have a professional profile set up.  You need to write a snappy bio that concisely sums up your business and simultaneously portrays your personality in one very short sentence.  You should also have a killer profile picture, just make sure that it is formatted correctly and not stretched or pixelated.  Business accounts also benefit from more detailed insights, allowing you to gain a much better understanding of how your posts are performing, All you need to do is simply go into your settings, tap on the cog and switch to a business profile.  

My golden nugget is to ensure you engage.  Connect with your industry authorities and get inspired.  Instagram is a very friendly platform and a lot of people collaborate, so there is a world of opportunities out there for you.  And make sure you use your #.  You can use websites such as Buzzsumo to research the best hashtags to use for your posts and you can use these to attract your tribe.   

Tomorrow I will be interviewing the incredible Nataly G who has over 2,000 subscribers to her Youtube Channel, a blog, and a massive Instagram following.  Check her out  @nathanjennings__ Oh, did I also mention she runs her own photography business.  This lady is unstoppable!   Nataly will be talking to us about how she earned her great Insta following and how she has attracted sponsors to her business.  

By the way, there is still time to join the Facebook Live 14 Day Challenge Group. If you are looking to grow your business then this is the tool for you, and it really is not as scary as you think it is going to be!